Saturday, October 18, 2008


So I can't decide between facebook and blogging.  Facebook seems to be a bit easier for me to use but since I have a few extra minutes I thought I would talk about our vacation from last week.  We got to go on a cruise with all of Jay's family (there were 21 of us total including Talon)  We went on Royal Carribean which was fun because I had never been on that cruise line before and also because they had a really good kids program that kept the kids busy from 9 in the morning until 10 at night.  We did typical cruise things - eat, eat and eat!  I tried to be good but after about 5 minutes I said who cares!  It was yummy and I ate myself through the whole week.  Jay and I got off the ship in Catalina Island where he took the boys on a submarine ride and then we also went to Ensenada and walked around and bought a few things.  I got some good sun and had fun with all the family.  Mason and Brock had the best time for sure and wanted to know when we could get on another cruise ship!  Below are just a few pictures from our trip.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


So it has been a few weeks since I have posted anything so here are the recent happenings in the Knollmiller home.  Soccer started last week and the boys had their first game on Saturday.  I did not make Mason's game but as I understand he was able to score a goal and according to his Dad (who is never biased)  he is the fastest kid ever.  He finally "gets it" this year and I think his parents will really enjoy watching him play.  Brock started his first year of soccer and after we got him over the wardrobe hurdles he did very well.  The most exciting part is that Jay is his coach and he tells everyone fifty times that his Daddy is his coach.  The least exciting part is that there are only two kids on his team right now (one of them being Brock) and so we don't know if Daddy will remain his coach as he might be added to another team.  We will just have to see.  I was proud of Brock for getting on the field and running around with all the other three year olds.  It is quite entertaining at this age.  Half of them are crying while the other half run aimlessly around the field.  But hey, you gotta start somewhere.

Another joy has been this little cutie pie Talon.  He is the most hyper baby I have ever encountered and very rarely stops moving.  I have enjoyed this one the most - probably because he is the third and I am much more relaxed and realize how quickly they grow!  It is kind of sad that he is almost a half a year!  Crazy how time flies.  Just thought I would post a few of our latest pictures.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

First Day of Preschool

So here are the two boys getting ready for preschool.  This will be Mason's second year of preschool and Brockie's first year.  Brock got to drop Mason off at preschool all of last year so you can imagine how excited he was to find out that he got to get out of the car and go to school.  He was SO excited that he actually sat on the toilet and went poops AND if that weren't enough he let me put gel in his hair (that NEVER happens).  I dropped them off at Miss Tiffany's house and the boys were very excited to find that she had a bin full of plastic animals for them to play with.  When I picked them up Brock was very excited to show me the pictures that he painted and Mason told me that I was wrong and they DID have snacks at this preschool.  Brock has also been talking about a certain little girl named Lexi in his class that is so funny.  Tiffany - I think he may have a little crush on your daughter.  Anyways, it was a great start to Brock's many years of school.  He wanted to make sure that he could go back again.  YES!!  What I wouldn't do to have some time with just Talon.  

Monday, August 11, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!

So usually I see on peoples' blogs all the reasons why they love their family members on their birthdays but since I am the only blogger in this household I thought why not say why I love myself?  So here goes - 32 reasons why I am fabulous.

1 - I can paint my own toenails like nobody's business.  People will look at my toes and say, "oh your pedicure looks really good."  Nope, did it myself.

2 - I have good taste in men - Jay was a great pick.

3 - I love to clean.  I can turn on some good tunes and go to town on my toilets. (They usually need this due to all my boys bad aim)

4 - I can get really tan.

5 - I am awesome at popping zits. (if you don't believe me ask Wendi)

6 - I am not at all hairy.

7 - I am the treat lady - ask my neices and nephews.  Logan at one point wanted to live with me because of our stacked pantry.

8 - I have a fabulous sense of humor.  If you don't believe me read my blog:)

9 - I have a very pleasant phone voice.

10 - I am a good wife.  I make dinner at least once a week.

11 - I am a great daughter.  My Mom tells me everyday.

12 - I can sew a straight line.

13 - I am a fun mom.  My kids and I make up dances in the car.  We have to do something to pass all the time we spend in the car!

14 - I have a very keen sense of smell.  This has been a blessing and a curse.  Mostly a curse.

15 - I am a faithful exerciser. (It helps when someone pays you)

16 - I am fantastic at multitasking.  I can drive, talk on the phone, eat and yell at my kids all at the same time.

17 - I am obviously very efficient with my time.  This post is proof.

18 - I think I am a good mom.  No one has ever called CPS on me - yet.

19 - I am a good sister.  Not great, but good.

20 - I have a hearty appetite.  I can really chow down for a girl.

21 - I have a genuine concern for our economy.  I shop everyday.

22 - I am musical.  I of course could not dream to sing as well as my husband Jay but I can carry a tune.

23 - Did I mention I am funny?

24 - I am good with boys.  I figure I must be because God gave me 3 good ones.

25 - I got mad computer skills.

26 - I am really good at watching tv.  I can find something to watch even when there is nothing on.

27 - I am young at heart.  I could sit and watch Sponge Bob with my kids forever.  (that show is funny!)

28 - Mom - I promise I do more than watch tv - I also enjoy a good movie:-)

29 - I have nice feet.  In our family this is something special.

30 - My Mom says I have good style.  What she doesn't know is that I go to Buckle and buy the things the young sales girl tells me to.  

31 - I am a good at hitting the snooze button.  I can hit it up to 5 times before I actually get up!

32 - Are we there already?  32 years young.  I hope this next year is as good as this past one has been!  Thanks to all of you who made this day special for me!


Friday, August 8, 2008


So it has been awhile since I have posted anything so I thought I would just update what we have all been up to. It has been a good summer although I am ready for cooler temperatures and a little more structure in our lives. Jay is keeping busy with work as usual but the excitement in his life has tripled this summer as we said goodbye to the old tv. It has served us well but we are now entering the high definition world. So goodbye old friend...

and hello new friend! Jay researched and researched and decided that this was the best deal we could possibly get on a new tv so here it is just in time for the Olympics! (I have to admit I am pretty excited to watch gymnastics on it!) So Happy Birthday Jay oh and Merry Christmas and Happy every other holiday because this is it!

So what have I been up to this summer you ask? Well, besides my three crazy boys I have been working my tail off to lose my baby weight. I finally decided that the only way I could accomplish this was to eat healthy. Yuck. So Kim, no more QT donut runs for me (at least for this month). Funny story, Kim and I took the kids to McDonalds to play and I ordered a chicken wrap and yogurt parfait (probably not even that good for you) and Kim says, "so this is what we've come to eh?" Yes Kim, I am afraid so. It is working though, I have lost a couple of pounds and hope to lose a couple more this month. We shall see how good my willpower is.

The Boys - oh my crazy boys. This pretty much sums up Brockie right here - cool kid.

We have been spending a lot of time with our cousins trying to keep busy. So here are some pictures of the happenings. I love this picture of Brock and Taylor. I think they will love to hate each other.

It is so fun to watch Talon grow. He is very entertained by his brothers now and they can make him laugh which is very cute to watch. Here is the crazy thing - he just turned 4 months old and is almost crawling. It is the craziest thing ever. He gets up on his little feet and scoots all around. Just what this Mom needs - another crazy active little boy!

So here are my little goofballs - they are my biggest joy and my biggest challenge. One minute I want to squeeze their cute little faces and the next I want to strangle them! I guess that is how motherhood works. So it has been a fun summer but we are definitely looking forward to the fall - lots of fun stuff coming up. Halloween, a cruise, Disneyland and Christmas! It doesn't get better than that!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Have you ever felt like you need a vacation after your vacation? We just got back Monday from an action packed San Diego adventure. I will attempt to give you the play by play so this may be a long post. I have been fortunate enough to have another child that HATES the car. Talon screams when I put him in his carseat so driving to San Diego with him was not an option. I quickly volunteered to fly with him as I am not so fond of driving in the car either. Jay packed up the boys and picked up his parents and they left early Wednesday morning for San Diego. I took Talon and we met up at the hotel on Wednesday evening. As I understand Grandma and Grandpa Knollmiller got an earful of "God Bless America" the whole drive there. We decided to get some good sleep before the next day. We woke up and headed off to Legoland. Here is Mason and Brock outside of our hotel preparing for the big day.
Here are some photos of the kids enjoying the rides and sites of Legoland. The weather was beautiful and best of all no crowds!

They gave Mason a little paper drivers license after this ride and Jay kept telling him he was going to have to drive us home. Mason was very concerned and kept saying, "Mom can drive!"
Brockie crashed into the wall and other cars at least a dozen times but loved it.

I was really proud of Brock for going on this ride as he is not the most fearless child.
Grandma Knollmiller even got in on the action.

Talon had a good time at Legoland too!
This picture is just too classic.
The next day we headed to the Natural History Museum and then to the Train Museum. The boys loved seeing the animals and hopefully learned a little something too.

Here is Grandpa Choo Choo as my kids call him, showing Mason the ropes. He so desperately wants one of his grandchildren to love trains like he does. There is still Talon:)

Okay so after a morning of museums, Grandma and Grandpa so kindly offered to take Talon so we could get in some beach time! Off to Mission Beach where Jay attempted to body surf. I could watch Jay all day at the beach - he is like a little kid playing in the ocean. Lucky for Jay, Mason seemed to enjoy the water as much as he did. Brock, not so much. He was content watching with Mommy.

My two little beach bums.
We wore them out for sure. Good thing the hotel beds were so comfy.
So here we are after a good nights sleep ready to hit SEA WORLD! Talon was such a trooper and only complained in the car. Sea World was the boys favorite - they still can't stop talking about Shamu! Mason insisted on sitting in the soak zone and was a little disappointed that they only got a little bit wet. Maybe next time Mase!

Believe it or not we aren't done yet. On Sunday we headed up to Escondido to see the Wildlife Zoo. It was a really awesome zoo but we weren't planning on how hot it would be. It was HOT! By the end, we were just walking from one park bench to the next to rest. Mason kept saying, "I can't take it anymore! I can't walk!" It would have been great had it been December. Good times.

So are we glad to be back home? Yes, it is always nice to be home (after the laundry is done and put away of course) and even though it is a million degrees outside it is home and it is nice. The boys had a fantastic time and hopefully Grandma and Grandpa Knollmiller did too. We are very fortunate to have such fabulous parents and Grandparents to our children so THANKS!!! If none of this makes sense, it is late and I am tired.