Thursday, August 14, 2008

First Day of Preschool

So here are the two boys getting ready for preschool.  This will be Mason's second year of preschool and Brockie's first year.  Brock got to drop Mason off at preschool all of last year so you can imagine how excited he was to find out that he got to get out of the car and go to school.  He was SO excited that he actually sat on the toilet and went poops AND if that weren't enough he let me put gel in his hair (that NEVER happens).  I dropped them off at Miss Tiffany's house and the boys were very excited to find that she had a bin full of plastic animals for them to play with.  When I picked them up Brock was very excited to show me the pictures that he painted and Mason told me that I was wrong and they DID have snacks at this preschool.  Brock has also been talking about a certain little girl named Lexi in his class that is so funny.  Tiffany - I think he may have a little crush on your daughter.  Anyways, it was a great start to Brock's many years of school.  He wanted to make sure that he could go back again.  YES!!  What I wouldn't do to have some time with just Talon.  


Tiffany said...

I'm so glad they had fun! You let me know when the drive becomes too much! They are such sweet boys- with the CUTEST smiles! Glad to know it was a two way thing with Lexi and at least she knows how to pick em! :)

Michelle Cherrington said...

Oh - they look so grown up! I bet Brock was so excited to go to school like his big brother and that Mason was proud to have him there. Very cute!

Summer said...

2 cute boys on the first day of school - so fun! I bet they are happy to go together - even though we'll miss Mason going with Ashley. Looks like they were excited!